F2F Class Notes April 20th (Ben)




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Today I saw a doggerel that describes about the situation of marriage market in village of China. The detail is: Before time, you chose induced abortion. Ok, It was your right to do it, but now you want to got a woman to join your family. where they are? your daughter-in-law now are in underground almost for twenty years. Before time, you wanted to have a son, It is ok, but on other side, how many girls be skilled? Nowadays you hope your son get married, how to find many grills? it is deserved that you need to pay your families over whole income to get a woman.


Today I read a story that described about the situation of marriage markets in villages of China. The detail was:

Before, people chose induced abortion. Ok, it was their right to do it, but now they want to get a woman to join their families. But where are they? Their daughters-in-law have now been lying underground for almost twenty years.

Before, they wanted to have a son. It was ok, but on the other side, how many girls were killed?

Nowadays they hope their son gets married, but how can they find many girls?

It is now needed that they pay their whole income to a woman’s family to marry her.

  1. 一个句子= 一个主语和一个动词 (问题:动词和主语要转换)
  2. 复数还是单数?
  3. 你想换时态的话就必须有很清楚的原因
  4. 可数名词  : a, the, 复数 or [my, your, his, her, its, our, their]

describe 描述

Please describe the thief to me.

describe about –> describe

for = 时间的长度

I am at Smart English for 1 year. = 我刚刚签合同,我计划呆在这里一年

I have been at Smart English for 1 year = 我在这里已经一年了

about for, almost for –> for almost, for about

sarcasm 讽刺

  • I love it when you are one hour late.
  • Oh, really?
  • No, I was being sarcastic, you dumb-ass.

以前 = Before

Before, I used to live in Shandong.

before time –> before

YOU = You Sherry OR Everyone in China

A group of people –> THEY

need 需要

I need money.

Money is needed to go shopping.

It is needed to work hard.