F2F Class Notes April 20th (Ben)


succeed 成功, a success

If I don’t succeed, my money will be gone.

fail 失败, a failure

If you don’t succeed, you will fail. But if you never fail, you will never succeed.

Failure is the mother of success. 失败成功之母

a bill 账单

literally 字面上,简直

I have literally no money.

turn to someone = ask help

Children can turn to their parents when they have problems.

I don’t know who to turn to.

beg 乞讨

shocking = surprising and that makes you a bit angry

It is a bit shocking when foreigners beg in the street.

price 价格

selfish 自私

an accent 口音

Koreans have a funny accent when they speak English.

Don’t be selfish, share your things with your friends.

The price is too high, I can’t buy it.