F2F Class Notes April 19th (Ben)



How about your Chinese classes ? –> How are your Chinese classes?

overdo = do too much, 画蛇添足, 添油加醋

Don’t overdo it. (active 主动)

This text is a bit overdone. (passive 被动)

Some people love to overdo it when they tell stories.

energy , energetic 形容词

My daughter is very energetic. She is always running here and there.

She is in her energetic period.

a pain signal 疼痛信号

When a child grows up faster than it should, its brain releases some pain signals.

Growing up fast is normal for an infant.

When a child is in its energetic period, its bones grow up very fast and its brain receives a lot of pain signals from the body.

vivid 形象的 = lively

Chinese words and descriptions are very vivid.

a pillow 枕头

straightforward (straight = 一直, forward = 前方) = easy to understand

a character 汉子/ 性格 / 人物