F2F Class Notes April 19th (Ben)


lose consciousness = suddenly sleep without choosing because you are sick

move apartments

an application 申请

My boss refused my application for a leave.

humanity = being human

The medical system doesn’t show a lot of humanity.

breathe heavily

Sometimes I feel the need to breathe heavily

suffocate = not being able to breathe (because of the heavy atmosphere, because of closed windows)

Can we open a window? It’s suffocating in here.

shake off (written) 摆脱 = to get rid off (spoken)

We need to shake off the shackles of colonialism 我们要摆脱殖民主义的枷锁

a concrete example 具体的例子

Do you have a concrete example?


How about = 我们….吧 = an offer, an idea, a proposal, and a command (to some extent)  – it’s NOT a question

How about dinner tonight? = Let’s have dinner together tonight

How about you? = Maybe you should try to do it. = Why don’t you do it?

  • Someone needs to tell the boss he’s too demanding. Bob, do you wanna do it?
  • No, I don’t think so.
  • What about you, Jenny ? 你呢?
  • No, I don’t feel like it.
  • How about you, Caroline? 那你做Caroline, 怎么样?