F2F Class Notes (Andy)


Write about your R.C.T. Tell me about how it felt, and the procedure.


unwind. I like to unwind by reading a book, it makes me feel very calm, and peaceful / idyllic / tranquil.


I bought it in National Day.  I bought it on National Day. or I bought it during the National holiday.

I had a tooth that needed root canal treatment.

My teeth are sensitive to hot and cold food or drink.

I just had my wisdom teeth taken out from my lower jaw.

My sister always asks me to lend her some money. She always wants to borrow some money off me.

My friend borrowed my T-shirt yesterday, but hasn’t returned it to me. I don’t like lending stuff out.

You should never lend anyone money.

I always lose my keys.


Dario Gambarin is from Italy. He is a land artist. He draws pictures in the fields. He uses his tractor 拖拉机. He draws Vladimir Putin, Nelson Mandela, and Pope Francis.

He is very experienced. He does not need to measure the field before drawing. His most recent picture is of Kim Jong-un. There are also two rockets in the picture. There is also the word ‘DANGER’.

Difficult words: experienced (skilled, good), need (must), measure (find out how long something is).

Large Picture of Kim – level 1