F2F Class Notes (Ally)[S/W]

Today we focused on:


vengeful:(adj) full of hate
ie. Lily is vengeful because I keep talking about her in class.

entertain(v): zhao dai, do something interesting for sb. (adj)
ie. Lily’s love life is very entertaining. You will be very entertained with Lily’s love life.
ie. I have to leave work early to entertain my guests.

stimulate: (v) ci ji  (n)stimulation
ie. SH government is stimulating the economy by encouraging street vending.

fair: ji hui
ie. There were a million people at the street fair.

refreshments: drinks and simple food (for events)
ie. We will provide refreshments at the party.

platter: circular tray
ie. My boss is going to have my head on a platter.

succinct: short, yan jian yi hai…
ie. Cecily needs to work on making her writing more succinct.

vaguely: mo hu de
ie. I can see the Chinese character for “hai” vaguely in my head.


from afar-> from a long distance
ie. We will be better loving each other from afar.

from a distance. -> short distance
ie. Your hair extensions are not obvious from a distance.

up close – > f2f
ie. However, they’re very obvious up close.

Speaking exercise

we’re preparing something for the events…
We’re making preparations for/preparing for…

Writing exercise

problems and/or concerns.

Our retail team suggests to move…
Our retail team suggests that we move out all the AV sound systems after store closing, as the landlord doesn’t allow moving of the equipment during business hours.

However, after the performance, You may take any portable/mobile equipment with you (for example, keyboards?) after the performance/when the performance is over if you like.

once the performance is done…applying for the landlord’s permission . We will keep you posted if their application goes through./if they’re successful. Can you please provide us with a list of all the equipment you’re going to move? Also, please double-check if there is any possibility to dismantle….

Please also find attached an email … on/regarding the electrical issues.