F2F Class Notes (Ally)[S]


tone: yu qi  (like “bone”)
ie. Please don’t use an unfriendly tone when you’re talking to me.

upgrade: up a level
ie. I want to upgrade my sentence structure/computer/system/pay level.

humble: qian xu

desperate: (因绝望而) 不惜冒险的,不顾一切的,拼命的; 绝望的; 孤注一掷的; 铤而走险的; 非常需要; 极想; 渴望;
ie. I sounded(ting qi lai) humble and desperate.

intention: (n)original meaning  (v)intend
ie. My intention is for you to go to the best school.
ie. I intend for you to go to the best school.

disaster/catastrophe(bigger):(n) zai nan (adj) disastrous/catastrophic
ie. Krissa’s speaking was disastrous/catastrophic.
ie. Krissa’s speaking was a disaster/catastrophe.

scorn: (v and n) 轻蔑; 鄙视;
ie. She gave me a scorned look.
ie. She was full of scorn.(n)


change: the thing is waiting for you

find another: you have to put in work

“this is a first” – di yi ci ya

“time after time”

“try my best” “to the best of my ability”
ie. I will teach you (VO) to the best of my ability(extra info).
ie. I will try my best(VO) to teach you(extra info).

Speaking exercise

I will join my 3rd auction about my license plate.
I will join/have my 3rd auction for my license plate.

I change more expensive huang niu.
I found another, more expensive hn.

“Please must buy the license plate successfully for me.” And sent a lot of long stories, told them “I found your team before I learned driving. My family all told me please change new hn, I said I don’t wanna try time after time. And customer service told me we will work hard.”
“Please, you must buy my license plate successfully.” And I sent a lot of long stories, I told them “I found your team before I learned driving/started to learn how to drive. Everyone in my family told me to find another/new hn, but I said that I don’t wanna try time after time and waste my energy. And customer service center told me they will try their best.”

I only want to use this words.
I only want to use these words.
just to use my vocab.
My intention is to use the vocab.

Q: Last weekend
A: Last week, I had a perfect weekend. I went to work on Saturday, and I loving/love my job, because I am enjoy chatting with cute old lady. But you know, everything in life always don’t be perfect. And I knew some strange person when I walk, because some old people they don’t have smart phone and then they send their son or daughter’s phone number for us. When I calling to this number, their son or daughter will ask us who are you and what are you doing. And a lady asked me do you have some service what can give old people like one dragon. You know, before she asked me this question, I recommend our service for her. “We can service old people in our region/area about save your electricity or buy medicine and go to hospital with old people together. So when this lady asked me, I think maybe she ask me to check again our service project so you know, I think only my think. So I told her “oh, we have”. So that’s maybe the doubt. By the way, I also knew old grandpa. He thought I’m a scheme. He told me I will go to the TPJ and his tone is so unkindful. So I hate noise person made me nervous.

Writing exercise

Some marriages often end in compromise with one another. This is also a kind of love, they can bear each other, and settle down for a lifetime. Everyone is an orphan in the process of learning what love is. So you don’t have to worry, you are your own greatest supporter and guide.

Some marriages often end in compromise with one another/wife and husband. This is also a kind of love. They can bear each other/They can accept each other for who they are, and settle down for a lifetime. Everyone is an orphan in the process of learning what love is. But you don’t have to worry. You are your own greatest supporter and guide.


scheme: skeem

service- not ser”face”

orphan – or+fan

guide – gIde

daughter – dater

doubt – down