F2F Class Notes (Ally)


domestic brands vs. foreign brands. pros and cons?


radiant: 容光焕发的

splurge: 挥霍

the rage/the hype: the IN thing/the popular/trendy thing

fleeting: 转瞬即逝的; 短暂的; 闪现的

fanatic: 入迷者; 极端分子; 狂热信徒
ie. I’m fanatic for blind boxes/I’m a blind box fanatic.\

monogram: print for premium brands

Speaking exercise

I received my payment of being freelancer.
I received my freelancer payment/salary.

I had a discussion with him because he’s older than me.
I had a discussion with him since/as he’s older/more experienced than me.

Would you be/Are you willing to buy a blind box?

Chinese consumers are getting more acceptable for different brands.
The different brands are getting more and more acceptable to Chinese consumers.
Chinese consumers are more accepting(adj) of different brands.