F2F Class Notes (Ally)


Tell me about generation Z.


permanent: 永久的

hip: young& fashion (adj)
ie. XTD is the hip spot.

atmosphere: 氛围

tongue twister: Rao kou ling

ballpark: 大概
ie. Do you know about the ballpark figure?

gratitude: 心意

subordinate: employees, members


half past 8 = 8 thirty

Speaking exercise

1788 work vs life sci work

– the traffic is more convenient.
After my daughter starts school, maybe we will change our location./we will move closer to/move to somewhere near her school. Then, it would only take around 30 mins.

-I like downtown.
no reason. 

-they can offer better/more work-life balance(n), because they are international company.
– if you can get the agreement of the line manager/get the line manager to agree.

-they are retail industry, so I have lots of similar work experience.

– As they’re international company, so I have to improve my English.
-you don’t have the chance to do a presentation.

– I have to refuse another offer.

– the position offers a bigger scope.