F2F Class Notes (Aileen)


Write a scenario or brief about a play where Van Gough finds himself in modern Shanghai.  What scenes would he draw?  Who would he fall in love with?

Next Class Focus

Review vocabulary and discuss the homework.

Today we focused on:

Discussed homosexuality in modern China.


Account Manager:  The support person who is the go-between for the client and your creative team.

Feminine:  Relating to females, or 很有女人味。

Feminist:  a person who believes that men and women are equal.

Aileen is often summoned to the creative director for feminine brands or ads that want to showcase a strong feminist message.

Expertise: what you’re an expert at.

My expertise is sports design and marketing because it’s powerful and enthusiastic even though I not good shape.   I can always reach or connect with younger people.

My expertise is sports design and marketing because it’s powerful and enthusiastic even though I’m not in great shape.  

Unisex. Neither feminine or masculine, can appeal to both men and women.

Immersive:身临其境  Example:  The Play “Sleep No More” is an immersive experience with the actors and audience.

Ahead of his times: 超越时代

Self-actualization: 自我实现

anatomy:  having to do with body, studying the body functions

fan-fiction:  stories written by fans about famous characters, usually in more graphic detail.

Bromance:  the love and chemistry between two usually straight men.

Flamboyant: Over-the top, LOUD

Flaming:  super, obviously gay


Seats–seets, not “sits”


“I really want TO go to New York.”

Verb+To_verb+Destination.  “I really need to go see the doctor.”

Speaking exercise

You has interact with the performers.

You CAN interact with the performers.

He’s a gay.

He’s gay.

Vincent Van Gogh was a man ahead of his time.  He is one of the few people mentioned in MBA courses that has achieved self-actualization.