F2F Class Notes (Aileen)


Translate your PPT pitch slide as much as possible.  Do some research on the actual history of Gucci.  🙂 https://baike.baidu.com/item/GUCCI/251402?fr=aladdin



Needs more review

“Write about a dilemma that you had to decide at workâ€

Usually I’m doing business with brands,  I need to think about how to balance what our followers like and what brand marketing demands.

That’s means If a brand don’t have a good reputation, then we aren’t gonna do promotions for them.

Another way this that if a brand not has any budget for advertising, but they have good products or doing something really meaningful for this industry. even though they don’t have money, we will still collaboration with them.

That’s what I need to decide. Make money for our company it’s my job, but not all things around money, I also need to think about our content, followers, and brand values.

Usually when I’m doing business with brands,  I need to think about how to balance what our followers like and what are the brands’ marketing demands.

That’s means if a brand doesn’t have a good reputation, then we aren’t gonna do promotions for them.

Another situation is that if a brand does not have any budget for advertising, but they have good products or are doing something really meaningful for this industry. Even though they don’t have money, we will still collaboratate with them.

That’s what I need to ponder about. Making money for our company is my job, but not all things are about money, I also need to think about our content, followers, and brand values.


Don’t vs Doesn’t

Don’t–>plural.  They don’t like it.  The teachers don’t like it when students don’t do their homework.  The exception to the rule is when using “I.”  I don’t like it.

Doesn’t–>singular.   He doesn’t like it when the student doesn’t do her homework.


  1. when: “Wen”–rhymes with “Hen, Then, Ten”

2) usually:  You-zhoo-uh-lee

Speaking exercise

Get more opportunity

Get more opportunities

Move my career forward

Forward my career


Forward: push ahead. Example: Move my career forward. Forward my career

Users:  people who use a certain program or app.  More business-like sounding.

Caption:  added text or words to a form of media like videos and pictures.

Amplify:  To make bigger, louder. 扩大

Emphasize:  强调

Brand-recognition, recognize:  认识。

Exclusive: 唯一,属于的。

Value-Added: value your company can add to the client’s goals.

Throughly/Comprehensively: 很全é¢

Basic Bitch:  Think of Aileen and her style.

Case Study-an example, usually a slide of a previous project you completed with a previous client showing the plan, execution, budget, and results.

ROI or Return on Investment: 投资回报率

Results-driven: 结果驱动

Disruptive: ç ´å性的.  Usually used to describe a method or product that is so new that it will disrupt and change the industry.  Examples:  disruptive technology, disruptive social media, disruptive marking.

Max:  the most

There’s a trend on Tik Tok where people pretending to be Gucci models.When people dressing down, they do some pose, and then Gucci’s logo and looks like magazine. They put sunglasses and red lipstick, like supermodel.

There’s a trend on Tik Tok where the users are pretending to be Gucci models.  They dress down, wearing sunglasses and red lipstick.  Then they add a Gucci logo as a caption on the photo  It looks like they’re supermodels in a magazine.

What should be our marketing strategy in China?

China has a very serious censorship of internet technology.

Do you need young customers?

I will introduce your company background.  We are a social media company-usually producing videos, pictures that ARE for brand marketing.  We can amplify your brand-awareness that are more suitable for the Chinese market.

We can gain more brand-recognition.

We can emphasize certain products you want to push in China, or are exclusive to China.

What is the value-added your company can provide?

We can thoroughly/comprehensively produce media to create brand-awareness.

I think go step-by-step.  First, we should let people know what Gucci is.

I think it’s a step-by-step process.  

I think Gucci has a lot of history in the fashion industry.  That means a lot because not every brand has historical stories to tell.

I think Gucci has a rich history in the fashion world.  This is what differentiates it from other brands, which have less history.  

Gucci is not like those other brands.  Because Gucci’s style is very different.  It’s more modern, more colorful.

You feel like you walking on nothing. 

You feel like you’re walking on air.  

How do I measure your success, if you’re not giving me numbers?  I need to have a high ROI or return on investment.

Results-driven.    Because we have unique content that is exclusive to us, so numbers not that important.

We are a disruptive marketing company.  Due to our unique content, results are not based on numbers.

It’s a very revolutionary form of marketing.  If you have a budget, you need to plan how to use it.(This sentence is fine, but don’t every say it to a client in a meeting).    You only need to use about 15 percent of your budget, max.