F2F Class Notes (Aileen)


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.


good bacteria – little bugs / things in our body that make us more healthy
eg. yoghurt has a lot of good bacteria

gentrification, gentrify – to change sth / sb to be able to communicate / mix with a higher level class of people

it’s a guarantee – sth you promise
eg. I guarantee that I will teach you as well as I can!

exponentially – a continuous rate of growth
eg. the COVID virus has spread exponentially throughout the population

If there is an Aldi in your neighborhood, it’s a guarantee that the property value will increase exponentially.

Chinese government and Aldi’s liaison

There are two parts of my work:  the first one is obtain different  license for new stores.  The second one is dealing with the government inspection cases in daily operations. 

  1.  Emails are from the corporate office and colleagues.  There ARE new stores coming, you should blah blah blah.
  2. Obtain the business license,  food business license.
  3. You went to three places yesterday.  not You gone to three places yesterday. 

My colleagues are from all over the world, so I usually must use English to talk to them.  International (use instead of from all over the world)

Expired goods, expired products, expired food, expired makeup

Sell-by date.
eg. the sell-by date of the goods is 1st Jan 2021

Sell by:  November 2022.

Expiry Date:  November 15, 2022

I’d like to be promoted to be the chief government liaison.

It’s a big target for me. (noun)   Although Aldi targets lower-income families in America, Aldi is targeting the upper-middle class in China.   (verb)

Aldi has a very tiered management system.  There are too many tiers to climb.  I think it will take me at least 10 years to achieve my goal.


I had received a government inspection case about expired food, so we face some plenty.   – I have received a government-issued inspection case about expired food, so we will be fined or face some penalties in the future (time-frame).

 According to the regulation of government, we should obtain food business license first and then we can sell food in Aldi.According to the government’s health and safety regulations, no pets are allowed where food is sold, unless they are service-animals.