F2F Class Notes _8th June (Harmony)

Heroism (herro – is – um)
Reservoir (res – er – vor)
Vietnam (vee – et – nam)
Battalions (bah – tal – e – uns)
Shiver: the action your body does when it is cold/ or scared.
Goose bumps: when you skin rises when you are cold/scared/ emotional.
Eg. I got goose bumps after you scared me.
Eg. I got goose bumps from the article that we read.
Pluck: to pull out/ to pick up.
Eg. Before you eat a chicken, you have to pluck the feathers.

After so many times she can response to commentsshe can respond to comments
Presidency/term of presidency/term as president/term
If Nancy is accompany with himif Nancy doesn’t accompany him he will feel uncomfortable
“Behind every great man, is a great woman”
Patient/calm/ supportive/ not selfish/ adoring
Expectation: something you expect
Real estate license: a course you have to pass in order to sell houses/apartments.
Under the condition that the Nanny speaks English/ a little bit of English.