F2F Class Notes _8th Jun (Harmony)
Vietnam (vee – et – nam): country 越南
Legend, Opponent, tribute, legacy, humanity, transform
There was a man named Adam who was a legend of peace. His legacy was the spirit of friendliness which affect humanity’s behaviour. And people’s minds were transformed by his spirit. In his lifetime he fought with his opponent who were people who supported the war. In order to pay tribute to Adam we set up a festival at July 1st.
Peace/Harmony/ goodwill/ honesty/ friendliness
War/ conflict/ disorder
Consent: given approval.
Eg. I give consent to move forward on this quotation. (noun)
Eg. He consented to the new price on the quotation. (verb)
Support: to help/ to encourage.
Eg. I consent to your opinion and support your action.
There was a man named Adam who was a legend at promoting/maintaining peace. His legacy was the spirit of friendliness which affected humanity’s behaviour(s). And people’s minds were transformed by his spirit. In his lifetime he fought with his opponent who were people who supported the war. In order to pay tribute to Adam we set up a festival on July 1st.
Worksheet, article, resume, spreadsheet, consolidate
I plan to change my job so decide to fill in my resume in a worksheet on the job website. The website is very popular which I found it in an article about the subject which the top ten job websites. Before I filled in my resume I broke down my job description on several spreadsheets and I consolidated these information.
I plan to change my job so I decided to fill in my resume in a worksheet on a job website. The website is very popular, I found it in an article about the top ten most popular job websites. Before I filled in my resume I wrote down my job description onto several spreadsheets then I consolidated the information.
The most problem – the biggest problem
If your contract is not end – If your contract is not finished/over
Compensation (kom – penn – say – shun)
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