F2F Class Notes _2nd Feb (Harmony)


ancestors (an – ses – tors)

plenty: a large supply of something.

I make confused – I get confused

opium [oh-pee-uh m] : an illegal drug, made from the juice of a poppy flower.

brick:  hardened clay or earth that you stack to make a wall or building, or road. 

ex:  They build the city brick by brick. 

bark:  sound a dog makes.

Rule: When comparing, don’t drop the -ly. Simply add more or less.

ex:  He speaks more slowly than his brother.


English grammar has one tricky caveat that seems like an exception to these easy rules: If the verb is one of these four senses—taste, smell, look, feel—don’t ask how. Instead, ask if the sense verb is used actively. If so, attach the -ly. If the sense verb is not used actively, which is more common, don’t attach -ly.


Roses smell sweet/sweetly. Do roses actively smell with noses? No, so no -ly.

The woman looked angry/angrily. Is the woman actively looking with eyes? No, only her appearance is being described.

She feels bad/badly about the news. She is not feeling with fingers so no -ly.

She feels bad/badly since burning her fingers. She feels with her fingers here so the adverb (-ly form) is used.

Spring Festival Transportation:

stranded (stran – did)

sit the seat sit on the seat/  lay down on the seat

ex:  I will lay down in bed.

ex:  Please don’t lay down on the bed when eating. 

PM 2.5 meter – air quality index

2010 = two thousand ten

most longer line – the longest line

in the rush time – during rush hour

  • Be careful, your stuff might/may get stolen
  • Be careful that you don’t get robbed
  • Make sure you don’t get robbed
  • Make sure your phone doesn’t get stolen.