F2F Class Notes _29th Apr (Harmony)

Editing Work Document:

  1. Achieve Sales Target

Goal Description:

Collect market information specifically for XXX market and prepare inventory strategically for upcoming orders. Budget: XXXXX/Year

  1. New Business Development

Goal Description:

Target amount of new orders from new customers: JPY2,000K/year

Frequency of Visit: 100 times/year

Seminars: 12 times/year

  1. Support Head Office Business

Goal Description:

Support XXX business and other issues from Head office as required

Other duties as assigned by Head Office/ VP/ ETC….

  1. Improve Sales Tools

Goal Description:

Create new sales presentations, material selectors, etc.

  1. Safety as a Priority for New Business

Goal Description:

Safely and legally develop new business

Choose safe transportation methods for business trips

Take preventative measures as needed

Preventative Measure/actions:  anything you can do in advance to try and avoid/prevent a mistake/ an accident/ a problem.

Budget:  expenses

Sales Target:  how much money you hope to make

“A River Runs Through It”

I’m quite professional for fishingI’m quite professional at finishing/  I am a professional fisherman