F2F Class Notes _26th Jan (Harmony)
intimately (in – tim – it – ly)
proves (proovs)
quantify (kwan – ti – fy): to be able to give a quantity or number to something.
ex: It is difficult to quantify intelligence.
– It is difficult to put a number on intelligence.
colleagues (not collegers)
entrepreneurial (ahn – truh – pruh – nur – e – al)
mobilizes: to become organized, to get ready.
ex: The army general had to mobilize his troops.
goal (gohl)
typically (tip – i – kuhlly)
amorous (adjective): relating to love, or about showing love.
ex: My husband was feeling very amorous last night.
ex: That romantic movie made me feel very amorous.
thrown around: when an idea (or opinion) is discussed or passed back and forth between people.
ex: My husband and I have thrown around the idea of taking a vacation.
thrown around: passing a ball or an object back and forth.
ex: The pillow was thrown around the room.
scourge: someone or something that causes trouble or suffering, or something that is used to cause pain or punishment.
ex: The disease continues to be a scourge in the world.
courage (kur – ij)
encourage (en – kur – ij) (in – kur – ij)
determine (verb): to decide on something. Or to find a reason for something, after studying it. A conclusion.
ex: I have determined that I do not like starbucks coffee.
ex: After reading it, I have determined that “talk like TED” is a good book.
ex: The doctor will determine what is wrong with the patient.
- I feel very angry
- I was feeling very angry
- I am feeling very angry
- I am feeling very anxious
- I feel anxious
- I was feeling anxious
- I am feeling worried
- I am worried about…..
- zoom
- room
- from
- drum
- tomb
- flume
- plume
- bloom
influence (in – floo – ense)
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