F2F Class Notes _26th Apr (Harmony)
Very high demanding for myself – I have very high standards for myself
Embarrassed – I feel embarrassed to ask for my money back even though it’s the right thing to do.
Guilty: you feel like you did something wrong.
Dilemma: when you have to make a choice between two equally good options.
Ex: When ordering lunch, I always find myself in a dilemma/ have a dilemma when choosing what to eat.
Headphones: personal speakers used to listen to music quietly in your ears.
Ex: You should use headphones on the metro.
The stealer – the thief
They feel pity because I am leaving – They feel sad that I am leaving.
They pity me = they feel bad for me
Do not too sad – Do not be too sad
Hold a grudge: when you hold onto something that made you mad, and you use it against someone later. You don’t forgive someone, and then hold an anger towards them.
Ex: I thought he had forgiven me, but it seems he’s been holding a grudge all these years.
Interrupt: to start speaking when someone else is still talking.
Ex: I hate those kinds of people who always interrupt others.
Respect is a basic level of politeness
Tent: a temporary shelter for camping.
Ex: This weekend we will go hiking, and sleep in a tent.
Marathon (mare – a – thon)
Desert (dez – ert)
Fundraising: to raise funds/ money for an important cause.
Ex: My boss ran a marathon for fundraising.
Gorgeous (gore – jus)
Junk Food: snacks that have no value. Chips, Chocolate, Soda.
Ex: Stop eating junk food, and do more exercise.
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