F2F Class Notes _25th May (Harmony)
“It’s complicated”— usually they don’t want to talk about it.
lady/ ma’am /madame(older women)/miss (women you don’t know the age of)
It was my first time living at some other places except my home. And I remember our whole family come with me to go to the school on that day. When we first saw my dormitory my parents were too sad about the conditions of the room I was going to stay in. They were so worried about my new life in this school. There were also many other parents accompanying with their child to go to school. They also showed many worries and after I sent my family back I stayed in the room with my new roommates. It was exciting but also a little worrying to meet new friends. I think they had the same feelings about this. In the first evening of the day I spent in this dormitory I felt a little lonely and couldn’t fall into sleep. But things were getting better when I spent more time with my roommates and classmates. So I think any problems can be conquered, it just takes time.
YanRui Edited:
It was my first time living in some other places instead of my home. And I remember our whole family came with me to go to the school on that day. When we first saw my dormitory, my parents were too sad about the conditions of the room I was going to live in. They were so worried about my new life in this school. There were also many other parents who accompanied their child, they also showed many worries. After I sent my family back I stayed in the room with my new roommates. I felt excited but also a little anxious to meet new friends. I think they had the same feelings about this. In the first evening of the day I spent in this dormitory, I felt a little lonely and couldn’t fall into sleep. But things were getting better when I spent more time with my roommates and classmates. So I think any problems can be conquered, it just takes time.
Edit Together:
It was my first time living someplace other than my home/parents home/family home. I remember my whole family came with me to go to the school on that day. When we first saw my dormitory, my parents were so sad about the conditions of the room I was going to live in. They were so worried/concerned about my new life at this school. There were also many other parents who accompanied their child, they also showed many worries/concerns. After I sent my family back I stayed in the room with my new roommates. I felt excited but also a little anxious to meet new friends. I think they had the same feelings about this. That night/evening/that same night/the first night I felt a little lonely and couldn’t fall asleep. But things got better when I spent more time with my roommates and classmates. So I think any problem can be conquered, it just takes time.
eg. It was my first time living in China
eg. It was my first time living somewhere abroad.
eg. I lived at my parents house (past tense)
eg. I will be living at my parents house (future)
eg. He stayed at a hotel.
She’s at the library – you the speaker are not close or not in the same building.
she’s in the library – you the speaker are in the same building.
sarah is at the cinema – she’s at some cinema, we don’t really know what one.
sara is in the cinema – she’s at the cinema in the mall where you are as well.
At – at a point
In – an enclosed space (a box, a room, a country)
On – on a surface
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