F2F Class Notes _25th Mar (Harmony)
Metro: another word for the subway.
ex: I took the metro to work.
ninety (nine – dee)
educated (ed – jucated)
major (may – jer)
cluster: a number of things of the same kind, or a group of things or people that are close together.
ex: In a new company you will find a cluster of people who have the same interests as you.
ex: A cluster of grapes.
evangelist: usually someone who is trying to share religion with others. Can be borrowed for other meanings.
ex: Can we turn clinique fans to evangelists in digital world? – Can we make our fans spread the word about our products?
vibrant: a bright color, or maybe personality. – exciting, energetic, stimulating.
ex: My sister only wears vibrant colours.
ex: My sisters personality is rally vibrant.
The person is bright = the person is smart
pretentious (adj.): describes someone or something that thinks they are more important than they really are. They have a lot of pride. They pretend to be more important.
ex: a pretentious, self-important waiter.
unpretentious: the opposite, describes something very humble or unassuming. modest.
ex: She is unpretentious, very humble and friendly.
“girl next door”: a girl who has simple taste, is lovely and friendly.
shallow (adj): to describe someone who is only concerned about looks. Doesn’t care about personality.
ex: My friend is so shallow, she only dates really handsome men.
conservative (con – sur – va – tiv) (adj): afraid of change, cautious, or traditional.
ex: It is said that British people are very conservative.
peer(noun): a person of the same status. a general word for – friends, co-workers, teammates.
ex: I got this book from one of my peers.
ex: I will make decisions based upon my peers opinions.
facilitate: to enable, or help. make easier.
ex: facilitate advocacy among satisfied customers = enable advocacy among….
ex: The computer facilitates an easier work day.
advocacy: the act of recommending, or pleading.
ex: to enable the act of recommending among satisfied customers.
ex: I was advocating clinique products to my friends.
ex: Clinique encourages advocacy among peers.
ex: Advocacy from fans is important for marketing a new product.
synchronize: to happen at the same time. – synchronized swimming
ex: Dance partners need to synchronize their movements.
ex: The fireworks show was synchronized to the music.
consumers (con – sume – ers) —- No sh!
wound (woond) —woo!
win (focus on the ‘w’)
wind (wind)
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