F2F Class Notes _25th Apr (Harmony)




Italian (ih ā€“ tal ā€“ e ā€“ eN) get the N

ā€¦ Ā but shed some new light onĀ how police found the music legend early on Thursday.

  • Give some explanation on how they found himā€¦
  • To clarify


TraumaĀ ā€“ signs of violence ( cuts, bruises etc)

Ex: The boy experienced a trauma, so he couldnā€™t go to school that week.

emergency personnelĀ ā€“ first responders, ambulance nurses, doctors etc.

personnel (per ā€“ sonn ā€“ ell):Ā  a group of persons employed in the same area or same organization.

Succumb:Ā  to give into pressure easily, surrender easily. To yield.

Ex:Ā  It is easy to get May to succumb to eating cake, all you have to do is ask her once.

Ex:Ā  The old man succumbed to his illness, he passed away yesterday.

Passed away:Ā  A polite way in English to say ā€œdiedā€.


Ex:Ā  We have seen an increase in sales for 5 consecutive months.

= Sales have increased for 5 months in a row.

Ex:Ā  I have a full schedule on the weekend, which includes consecutive plans.

Divertā€“ (verb) cause (someone or something) to change course or turn from one direction to another.

ā€œa scheme toĀ divertĀ waterĀ fromĀ the river to irrigate agricultural landā€

ex:Ā  In order to achieve this monthā€™s sales goals, we cannot divert from the original plan.

Reclaim:Ā  to take back

Ex:Ā  China reclaimed the island.


Trauma, Emergency Personnel, Succumb, Passed Away, Consecutive, Divert, Reclaim

I know an American drama called ā€œthe killerā€, itā€™s said this story that a girl experienced trauma in a park and passed away before the emergency personnel came to the site.Ā  However her father didnā€™t succumb to the big power after this tragedy.Ā  Her father executive consecutive plans try to dig out the fact.Ā  Because he wants to reclaim the right of lives.Ā  After suffered a lot of extreme bad situations he didnā€™t divert from the original obligation.



Mayā€™s Edit:

I watched an American drama called ā€œthe killerā€, which told a story that a girl experienced a trauma in a park, and passed away before the emergency personnel came to the site.Ā  However her father didnā€™t succumb to the big power after this tragedy.Ā  He arrange and executive consecutive plans for trying to dig out the fact.Ā  Because he wanted to reclaim the right of lives.Ā  After he suffered a lot of extreme bad situations, he didnā€™t divert from the original obligation.

Edit Together:

I watched an American drama called ā€œThe Killerā€, which told a story about a girl that experienced a trauma in a park, and passed away before the emergency personnel arrived at the crime scene.Ā  However, her father didnā€™t succumb to big political power after this tragedy.Ā  He arranged and executed consecutive plans for trying to dig out the facts.Ā  Because he wanted to reclaim her right to justice.Ā  After he suffered a lot of extremely bad situations, he didnā€™t divert from his original obligation.

About a girl that experienced a trauma

Of a girl that experiencedā€¦

Crime Scene:Ā  the site of the crime.

Ex:Ā  Before the emergency personnel arrived/ arrived at the crime scene.

Reclaim her right to justice.Ā  = her right to find the person responsible and have him/her held accountable.

Light bulb:Ā  the round part of a light that is screwed into the socket.

Ex:Ā  Itā€™s like a light bulb turned on in my head/brain. = I got an idea!

Ringā€™s a bell:Ā  sounds familiar.

Ex:Ā  That name rings a bell. = you might have met that person before.