F2F Class Notes _20th Apr (Harmony)
Do some review – do some research
Resignation (rez – ig – nay – shun) letter
My leave day – my last day
College (kol – ege) – make sure to get the G – but NOT colluger
Bachelor (batch – el – or)
He is good at some social skill – he is sociable/ he is outgoing/ he has good social skills
Likeable: describes someone who is easily liked, easily pleases others.
Ex: Our leader is a likeable man.
Extrovert (ex – troh – vert)
Seven peoples in this group, kind to each other, support to each other – 7 people are in this group, they are kind to each other, and support each other.
Ex: Give support to each other
Most of time they spend time together – Most of the time they spend time together
** don’t drop the “the”
All of the time they married, or some other thing we can gathered together – We always gather together when one of us gets married.
Not lose each one – not lose contact
Everyone are free to have dinner or lunch – Everyone is….
Ex: Someone has to be the glue to keep the friends together.
Initiate: to start, to be the first one to start something.
Ex: I can’t initiate anything with my friends because I’m too introverted.
I hope I can be initiate – I hope I can take initiative
He can make fun with everyone – He can have fun with everyone/ He can make every situation fun
It can’t let me have good friends – There’s no opportunity for me to make good friends
Colleague (kol – eeg) –NOT coluger
Where did you meet him = how did you get introduced to your boyfriend? How did you get to know each other the first time.
Ex: Once every 3 months/ once every 6 months…
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