F2F Class Notes _1st June (Harmony)***

Homework:  write about your job (add onto previous story) and use the new vocabulary.



subject:  Make friends rules in the office
There are 3 kinds of colleagues: just working together, have lunch together and your boss. Do you agree with every department has some people that the Boss very like him/her but all colleagues don’t like him/her. Do you know what the way make friend with him/her? I think that you must suffer form him/her. If you have a dispute with him/her, you boss usually believe with him/her. It will affect your job development.


subject:  Making friends in the office
There are 3 kinds of colleagues: the ones you just work with, the ones you have/eat lunch with, and your boss. Do you agree that every department has some people that are the Boss’s favorite but all colleagues don’t like them? Do you know how to make friend with them? I think that you must suffer from them. If you have a dispute with them, your boss usually believes them/sides with them. It will affect your job development.

Colleague (call – eeg)

Dispute (diz – pewt)

Favourite:  something you like the most.  You like it more than everything else.

Eg.  My favourite dessert is chocolate cake.

Eg.  My favourite animal is a cat.

Competition:  someone/something you are trying to beat/ do better than.

Eg.  Sometimes colleagues are your competition.

Eg.  When two sports teams are in a competition, you must choose a team to support.

Eg.  In my department I must work hard to have a bigger bonus, it’s a competition between colleagues.

Gossip:  when people talk about other people and their mistakes/problems/ life/business.  Sometimes it’s hurtful, or not true.

Eg.  I don’t like when people gossip at work.

Behind your/my back:  when someone says something about you to someone else.  Not to your face.

Eg.  It makes me upset when people say things behind my back./ when people gossip behind my back.
I don’t’ saidI didn’t say that

Stuck in the middle:  when you are between two people that are fighting/ you are not choosing a side.

Eg.  I am always stuck in the middle of their fights.

My boss very like her My boss really likes her/ she is my boss’s favorite.

Impress:  to make someone like you, to show off in front of someone.

Eg.  My colleagues tried to impress the boss with a song and dance.

Calculative/conniving/ schemer/cunning:  someone who is always trying to get ahead in a not honest way/ they always have a different motive for what they are doing.

Kick someone when they’re down/ “kick them while they are down

= someone is already having a bad day/life/ in trouble and someone else keeps making it worse.

“To add fuel to the fire” = to make the fire bigger = to make the problem worse.

Eg.  My boss hates me, and then today I was late for work.  This just adds fuel to the fire.

Innocent:  someone who is not guilty/ a good person/ a good worker that didn’t make a mistake.

Eg.  My boss blamed me, but I was innocent.