F2F Class Notes _17th Jan (Harmony)

popularity (pop-yuh-lar-i-tee): noun the quality of being popular. 

ex:  He is popular

ex:  He has popularity

ex:  I wanted to be friends with Summer because of her popularity.

ex:  H&M is popular in China.

ex: H&M has popularity in China.

Phys Ed = Physical Education (a class to learn about exercising)

Physical: anything related to the body.  Usually meaning exercise. 

ex:  During Physical Education we learned how to throw a baseball.

ex:  When I was at school I liked physical education because I learned how to play basketball.

blacktop: another way to say pavement of asphalt.  The type of product used to coat the road. 

ex:  In my home town the main road is blacktop. 

ex:  I dropped my phone on the blacktop and it became broken.

moldy: when food goes bad and grows bacterial.. usually turns green.

ex:  If you left bread for many days it will be moldy. 

nasty: anything gross, maybe smelly or dirty.

ex:   In the summer the rubbish bin smells nasty. 

mark: to grade something, or to give something a grade.

ex:    I need to mark the final exams.

I need to (grade) the final exams.

hovering:  to hang or be suspended in air.  (like a helicopter)

ex:  The helicopter was hovering above the ground. 

sneak:  to be very quiet and maybe suspicious.

ex:  I had to sneak into the house so my parents didn’t notice I was late. 

hoop: the part of the basketball net that holds the net.

ex:  I prefer to play basketball with a hoop that has a net.

fingers (FING-gers)

curtains (kur – ins):  hanging fabric to cover the windows. 

ex:  I close my curtains at night to keep the light out. 

taping (verb): act of using tape to put something together.

ex:  I was taping together paper to make some art.