F2F Class Notes _15th Mar (Harmony)
short – sighted: unable to see far away
far – sighted: unable to see up close
ophthalmology (opp – tha – mall – a – gee)
myopia (my – oh – pee – a): the medical term for short sightedness (nearsightedness)
medical term: a proper word used by medical professionals, like a doctor. (scientific)
sightedness (sigh – ted/tid – ness)
pinpoint (noun): to locate or describe exactly.. something precise.
ex: adj. He completed the surgery with pinpoint (precise) accuracy.
ex: You need to give a pinpoint view of the training so that the attendee can decide if they will attend the training.
Cause (noun) (cawze): something that makes an effect.
cause – an effect
ex: the coffee cup falls, which would cause the floor to be wet with coffee.
ex: If spent all of my money, it would cause me to be poor.
Because – ‘cause (cuz): shorted version of because (slang)
carpet (car – pet)
onset: the beginning or start of something.
ex: onset of myopia/ beginning of myopia
ex: My grandmother has early onset dementia.
co-author: when two people write a book together. 2 or more authors.
ex: As I know, most famous books was co-authored.
journal (jer – null)
____ – fold: ____ times
ex: This is 7 times increase…
ex: this is seven – fold increase
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