F2F Class Notes _14th June (Harmony)






wage (wayje)

  1. I am hoping for an increase in my wage this year.

debt (det) – silent b

  1. There are all kinds of debt, housing debt and consumer debt.

Toronto (tore – on – to)

Vancouver (van – ku – ver)

Digits (dih – jits)


Inevitable:  unavoidable.

Headed our way:  coming towards us/ coming closer.

Eg.  Summer is headed our way/ the storm is headed our way/pick me up if you are headed my way.

To discount something (advice/warnings):  to write it off/ to not take it fully.

Eg.  Don’t discount your mother’s advice, because she is a smart woman.

“the boy who cried wolf/ crying wolf”:  no one will believe you because you lied before/it didn’t come true before.

Write something off:  to absorb the debt yourself/ not take sth into consideration.

Eg.  Some people will write Johnny off because he drives an old car.

Eg.  I had to write off the dishes that Johnny broke in the store.

Defied:  to challenge the power of sth.

Eg.  Children always try to defy their parents.

Eg.  He defied me, so he will get no dessert.

Recession: when the economy isn’t doing well, stock market, employment, business has all declined.

Household debt:  it’s both consumer debt (credit cards) combined with mortgage (bank loan).

Mortgage (more – gej):  the loan specific to your house.

Eg.  I bought a very expensive apartment so I became a slave to my mortgage.

Mortgage + consumer debt (credit cards/car loan) = household debt

Detached home:  a house that isn’t attached to the neighbours.

Flipping houses:  buying, renovating and reselling.

Eg.  My cousins makes a living flipping houses.

“A thing”:  trend/fad/popular.

Eg.  Wearing black dresses is a thing these days.

Hike:  going up/increase

Boom: a period where sth does really well.
a period of rapid economic growth, prosperity, high wages and prices, and relatively full employment.

Eg. Housing boom/ population boom.

Eg.  Usually after every boom, there will be a recession.

Fraud:  anything illegal, usually used to deceive someone to make money.

Eg.  Credit card fraud – taking out a cc in a fake name.