F2F Class Notes _13th June (Harmony)

I moved my things – I packed up my work station, and took the things/stuff home. 

It’s very tired – it’s very tiring/tiresome




Immediate family:  close family, people that likely live in your house.

Extended family: not immediate (cousins, aunts, etc.) family that you probably haven’t lived with.

Reality tv show:  tv show based on peoples lives.

Series: the whole tv show

Season:  the show during 1 year.

Episode:  the single showing of the tv show.

Scenery:  landscape/environment/view


Scenery, immediate family, extended family, reality tv show, series, season, episode


“C’mon Champion” is a reality tv show which invited different era sports stars to play with Chinese TV stars.  The last episode was about a football game.  They invited Owen and Kaka to show their skills to Chinese audience.  Owen and Kaka were in the good scenery place to play the football.  Kaka is a Brazilian football star, and both his immediate and extended family live Brazillian.

“C’mon Champion” have 12 episodes in one season, each one is a different sports game.  I think the reality tv show will have 2 seasons in the series.


“C’mon Champion” is a reality tv show which invites different era sports stars to play different sports with Chinese TV stars.  The last episode was about a football game.  They invited Owen and Kaka, who are famous football players, to show their skills to the Chinese audience. The scenery of the football game was beautiful.  Kaka is a Brazilian football star, and both his immediate and extended family live in Brazil.

“C’mon Champion” has 12 episodes in one season, each one is a different sports game.  I think this reality tv show will have 2 seasons in the series.

Celebrity:  a famous person.

Eg.  Bruce Lee was a celebrity before.

Brazilian:  a person

Brazil: a country.

Maybe when I was an old man/old people – maybe when I become an old person


Eg.  I am 1 meter and 56 CM tall.

Eg.  My height is 1m and 56 cm.

Too difficult/too short/ too many tattoos =   negative.

That was difficult/I am short/ I have many tattoos.