F2F Class Notes _13th Apr (Harmony)



Lottery – when random numbers are chosen to decide something.

Ex:  You will need a lot of luck to win the lottery.

Sign language:  the language used by deaf people, so they can communicate with their hands.

Ex:  Sign language can be seen on tv nowadays.

Eye contact:  locking eyes with the person you are talking to.

Ex:  A shy person is always afraid of eye contact with others.

The most of the placemost of the place/ a large part of the place was rock or mud

Drive – drove (past tense) We drove home/ We drove back to home

Rowing/ row boat:  a boat without a motor.  Moves forward by humans using paddles/paddle in the water.

Ex:  I took a row boat with my daughter last week.

He haven’t the couragehe didn’t have the courage


Snorkeling:  swimming with flippers on your feet, and a breathing tube and goggles to see the fish. 

Ex:  Snorkeling is a very interesting sport, many people like it.

Life ring:  the instrument use to save lives by being thrown to people so they can float.

Cost of living:  your daily costs to survive in a city.

Ex:  The cost of living in Shanghai is extremely high.

Consistent:  always the same.

Ex:  I take the subway to work because it is more consistent than driving.

Ex:  If the bus is not consistent I will not choose to take it to my work.

One quarter and an houran hour and fifteen minutes

Ex:  It’s quarter past the hour.

Attend for it I attended it for one year