F2F Class Notes 9th September (Lina)
I think Korean food some places like Chinese food – I think that Korean food is similar to Chinese food in some ways/aspects
Many different meat – Many different kinds of meat
You can saw all of the Korean – You can see all of Korea
You can see all off the Korean people
The people in Seoul is very kind and friendly – The people in Seoul are very kind and friendly
I have heard that it will disappeared – I have heard that it will disappear (future)
I heard that it have disappeared ( past)
Dear – there!
There are many developed space – There are many developed spaces
There are many opportunities for development in Shanghai
It is a very developed place with many opportunities
I think if I can have a chance I want to be there too – I think that If I have the chance I want to be there too / I would like to go there too / If I get the chance I want to go there as well
Now, in this time – right now I would like to study –
The work is not very much – This work/ job is not a good match for me
I like talk with others, I like social – I like to talk to others, I like social environments but I also like to spend some time alone.
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