F2F Class Notes 10th November (Tony)
in denial – a state of disblief, you can not accept the truth or reality. eg: “I’m still in denial that Trump is actually the president of the USA.”
sick of/ tired of – had enough or too much of something eg: “Everyone is sick of election news because it has been dragged out for too long.”
live up to – fulfill, or accomplish the things they said eg: “He talked big, like he could do anything, but then he couldn’t live up to it.”
revenge – whem something bad happens to you, you then make something bad happen to the other person eg: “Getting revenge may seem good at the moment, but is usually a bad idea.”
justice – using the law to punish people “The police can help you seek justice if you have been a victim of crime.”
pander – to say what people want to hear, so you can gain their trust and approval. eg: “The boss was pandering to the employees, making them think all their work was great, but actually the company had very low profits and was not efficient.”
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