F2F Class Notes 9th May (Tony)


biscuit UK

cracker USA, salty

cookie USA, sweet

I had some soda crackers for my upset stomach.

probiotic – has helpful bacteria inside it

eg: People say probiotic yogurt helps with an upset stomach.

bacteria – some small living things we can’t see with our eyes.

eg: Some bacteria are actually helpful.

digest – to break down food in your stomach

eg: Some foods help you digest better.

growl – angry animal sound

eg: My stomach is growling, it’s a little upset.

antibiotic – kill all the bacteria, to prevent an infection

eg: If you are really sick the doctor might give you some antibiotics.

crayfish – a tiny lobster

eg: Crayfish live in fresh water, but lobsters live in salt water.


probiotic – Pro By Aw Tik