F2F Class Notes 9th May (Tony)


slipped out of my hand

if I’m stressed out

you are stressful, you are stressing me out

you are bumming me out(make me sad)

you need to chill out(relax)

it reminds me of sth.

it is reminiscent of sth.

Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

insomnia – a condition where you can’t sleep.

eg: Almost every has had to deal with some acute insomnia.

workaholic – a person who is addicted to working

eg: She’s a little stressed out because she is a workaholic.

Shopaholic – addicted to shopping.

deduct – to take sth away

eg: I got 6 points deducted.


English Logic: Direct and Basic

I got deducted.   ( they deducted you?   or the points?)

I ate a sandwich.     I a sandwich ate.