F2F Class Notes 9th May (Celeste)

This morning was peace.

This morning was peaceful.

If you are in peace, you are peaceful.

This morning I didn’t have urgent things/tasks to do.


Since we had come back after honeymoon, we almost never stopped to do things. Which is about family and job. We were not used to it at that time. We didn’t have enough time to use. We were so tired and unhappy. We don’t have urgent tasks in this week. The health of parents in law become better. That’s all good news for us.We ar looking forward to the sunrise. We take all the bad things and are looking forward to the good things. We will keep fighting on the daily life it will help us to be a better person.


Since we came back from our honeymoon, we were so busy, we never stopped moving. Everyday we went to the hospital to take care of Chen’s father and our offices. We were not used to being busy like that. We didn’t have enough hours in the day. We were so tired and unhappy.

This week we don’t have any urgent tasks and Chen’s father’s health is getting better. Those two things are good news for us.We are looking forward to the next day, we hope it will be a better day.

When we got through all the bad things we grew up and matured. What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger. We will keep fighting everyday to be better people.

come back from (noun)

Can you come back from lunch now? We have a lot of work to do.

We came back from our honeymoon.

I came back from the store 10 minutes ago.

was/were not used to being ____ like that.

I was not used to being so tired like that.

I was not used to being so early like that.

We were not used to waking up/getting up so early like that.

don’t/doesn’t/didn’t have enough hours in the day to do sth

I don’t have enough hours in the day to finish my chores like cleaning, washing dishes and doing laundry.

He doesn’t have enough hours in the day to clean the whole office/ all the offices.

Get well soon / get better >  when sb is sick, we say this

I hope you get better soon!
I hope tomorrow will be better.
Tomorrow will be a better day.

Tomorrow is a new day.