F2F Class Notes 9th March (Tony)


pipeline – the order that the work must be done in/the system for developing and producing something

 eg: “If we don’t follow the pipeline it will be less efficient.”

constituents –  one of the parts that form something

eg: “One of the core constituents of the marketing campaign finding ways to create more demand.”

initiatives – an introductory act or step; leading action

eg: “At my new job it’s important to participate marketing initiatives.”

clinics – educational programs, a class or group convening for instruction or remedial work or for the diagnosis and treatment of specific problems

eg: “We’re having a basketball clinic to help sales staff learn more about products.”

foster – to take care of and help grow

eg: “Fostering a child’s education is important for all of society.”

criteria – a standard of judgment or criticism

eg: “The criteria for this contest is very strict, even one mistake will make you lose points.”

competence – the ability to do something correctly : the quality or state of being competent

eg: “They questioned the driver’s competence after he crashed the bus.”

focus groups -group of consumers used to gather research

eg: “We formed a focus group of 8 people to ask about the new product design.”

product line is constantly evolving and incorporating new apparel technologies.