F2F Class Notes 9th December (Tony)

Not much more than a year ago. – a little more than a year ago

The city was quiet – no people or machines were making noise

The street was still – no people or cars on the street, not busy

They have nothing to talk about with you


permeate – to pass through the pores or small openings eg: “A feeling of sadness permeates all his music.”

pores – very tiny holes on the surface, on rocks, on skin, on wood. eg: “Many beauty products claim they will clean out your pores.”

imply – to communicate sth without using the exact words eg: “When I use the word claim, I am implying that they only say this is true, and it’s probably not really true.” “What are you implying?”

rambunctious – eg: difficult to control or handle, wild “Don’t give him all that candy or he will be very rambunctious later.”

lantern – an old style light, with a light source in a covered box. could be made of paper eg: “There were so many lanterns on the street that it almost looked like daytime.”

interpretation – how you understand something is eg: “If you interpret the song, it’s actually about a couple getting married.”