F2F Class Notes 9th August (Celeste)


I think the Chinese women become more and more confident and they not only pursue their career success but also pay attention to their appearance. They can live a better life and have more opportunity to go abroad. They can recognize which type of products are suitable for them to use. And the taste of become much better.

I think Chinese women are becoming more and more confident and they not only pursue their career success but also pay attention to their appearance. They can live a better life and have more opportunities to go abroad. They can recognize which type of products are suitable for them to use. Their fashion sense/style/taste is becoming much better.

I watched the indoor women’s volleyball match, China versus Italy.

The Chinese team won the match.

Number one won.

Replay – it isn’t live, play something again, like repeat

versus ( ver siz )

Netherlands ( nether – linz )

whole game – match/game
a part of the game – set

Totally are 5 sets. They won the first and two sets. What a pity, very regretful.
There are a total of 5 sets.
In total there are 5 sets. They won the first and second sets. How disappointing.