F2F Class Notes 8th September (Raph)

Empirical (adj): 1- based on testing or experience.
E.g.: He did a lot of empirical research for his masters.

Theoretical (adj): 1- relating to the general principles or ideas of a subject rather than the practical uses of those ideas.
E.g.: His article was purely theoretical.

Practical (adj): 1- relating to what is real rather than to what is possible or imagined.
E.g.: His theory had very important practical applications.

Standardize (v): 1– to change (things) so that they are similar and consistent and agree with rules about what is proper and acceptable.
E.g.: Everyone who wants to be a pharmacist in China needs to pass a standardized test.

Procrastinate (v): 1- the action of delaying or postponing something.
E.g.: My first tip to you is to avoid procrastination.

Consequence (n): 1- a result or effect, typically one that is unwelcome or unpleasant.
E.g.: Procrastinating seems fun to do, but it may bring serious consequences.

Girly (adj): 1- characteristic of or appropriate to a girl.
E.g.: Jessica likes to read girly novels.

We’re in the same boat = we’re going through similar situations