F2F Class Notes 8th November (Jesse) [1]


posting / post
eg. I had a look at the posting online about studying English, and found it quite interesting

fortnight = 14 nights
eg. I will go to the US in a fortnight or so

or so / roughly / around / about 
eg. I will go there in roughly / around / about 2 weeks
eg2. I will go there in 2 weeks or so

this night = tonight
in the morrow = tomorrow
the yester day = yesterday

assumed (to guess) / presumed (to estimate before actually knowing)
eg. I presumed you would have English name, but I was wrong.

as / because / due to the fact that / since
As / due to the fact that / since
= start or middle
Because / because of
= middle

push it back (later)
push it forward / bring it forward (earlier) 

consequence / repercussion / ramification = negative outcomes
eg. there will a terrible repercussion if I book the hotel late

rental car / transport
eg. I need to organise rental cars for the VIPs

formatting = the design and look (excel)
eg. I’m really good at formatting in excel

eyeballing sth = to use your eyes to work sth out
eg. I often just eyeball it rather than use formulas


our visitor will not be allowed to check in

I am happy / I am happy
i won’t be happy


i was sick when i worked for mazerati after 3 month and my leader told me they want me to leave the company and stay at home until i recover from my sickness, because i dont feel anything uncomfortable, i just do the physical exam, and there’s a piece of shadow in my lung and the doctors they didnt know the reason they just told me to rest, so the HR department might think it’s a serious problem. it becomes smaller.

i was sick when i worked for mazerati after 6 months and my leader told me they wanted me to leave the company and stay at home until i recovered from my sickness / condition, because i didn’t feel uncomfortable at all, i just did a physical exam, and there was a small shadow in my lung and the doctors didn’t know the reason, they just told me to rest, so the HR department might have thought / maybe thought it was a serious problem. it became smaller.