F2F Class Notes 8th November (Celeste)
On December 31st each year, there are millions of people will dressed in costumes to go out and have a big party on streets , they drink beers , have fun with other people . And the children will knock on their neighbours door playing a game “ Trick or Treatâ€!! Seemed very interesting. On that night , people can be anyone they want to be , goblins , vampires , witches , zombies and so on. Except themselves , they will decorate their houses either. The truth is , if you don’t want to join the big party, you can turn off the light , sleep early and made your house like an ugly lady. Therefore people will not disturb you. But I think unless you’re a wired hateful person , most of people will join this big party . And I think the festival like this , need to be hold usually,because people need play hard work hard. They need a right way to let the bad feelings out . All the creatures will have the bad feelings including animals,we need release pressures , and the festivals or ceremonies are the best way to release them.
On October 31st each year, there are millions of people who will get dressed up in costumes to go to bars or clubs, they drink beer, and have fun with other people. The children will knock on their neighbors’ door and play a game of “ Trick or Treatâ€!! It seems very interesting. On that night, people can be anyone they want to be like/such as goblins, vampires, witches, zombies and so on. They also will decorate their houses./As well as, they will decorate their houses. The truth is, if you don’t want to join the big party, you can make your house like an ugly lady and not decorate it, turn off your lights, and go to bed early. Therefore/By doing this people will not disturb you. But I think unless you’re a weird, hateful person, most of the people will join this big party/celebration/holiday/festival. I think festivals like this need to be held often, because people need to play hard and work hard. They need a good/satisfying way to let their bad feelings out. All the creatures/beings will have bad feelings including animals, we need to release pressures/stress and festivals or ceremonies are the best ways to release them.
synonyms – words that are similar to another word
eg. angry –> mad, upset, frustrated, enraged, grumpy
antonyms – words that are the opposite of another word
eg. angry –> happy, excited, exhausted, thrilled, glad
get dressed up – to put on a costume or to look fancy or very nice for a party or special occasion
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