F2F Class Notes 8th November (Celeste)


Q: What is a day in the life of sb/a person like?

Q: What is a normal day for Echo/you like?

A: I do everything according to my routine.

A; First, _____. Next, ____.


stapler n. – tool that combines papers together in a neat, organized, orderly stack

staple n. – the little tool or piece of metal that  you put in a stapler to hold the stack of papers together

How to cook and eat Dazha Xie

  1. Boil or steam the crabs for 15 minutes. When the crabs are red, they are ready to eat / to be eaten.
  2. Untie/cut the ribbon/rope/string/grass.
  3. Flip over the crab on its back to open the belly. If you don’t take/remove the belly, you cannot open the shell.
  4. Open the shell, then take the stomach and heart out.
  5. Break/pull/pry apart
  6. You should eat the yellow part or the roe first because it will get cold very quickly. You should dip the roe into your sauce then, eat it.
  7. Next, you break the body into pieces along the legs. That is the proper way to eat the crabs without wasting any flesh/meat.