F2F Class Notes 8th May (Tanya)


pill – 药 a little solid tablet of medicine

e.g. I usually take pain killers in the form of a little pill for my back pain.

lifespan – how long you’re going to life

e.g. My grandfather is 100 years old. He’s got a very long lifespan.

athlete – someone who does a lot of sports, someone who exercises a lot “sports man/sports woman”

e.g. He competed at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. He’s an athlete.

mice – plural of mouse

e.g. One mouse. Two mice.

plural – more than one

singular – just one.

e.g. Mouse is singular. Mice is plural.

to struggle with something – to have great difficulty with something

e.g. A lot of people struggle with fat loss

doping – illegal drugs that make you better at sports

e.g. That athlete was banned from attending the Olympics because people found out that he used doping to be better at his sport.

chemical – a chemical component, a component that’s made through chemistry

e.g. These days, the majority of our food contains a lot of chemicals.

to rejuvenate – to make something or someone feel younger, better, livelier

e.g. I feel so rejuvenated after having a good night’s rest!

to unwind – to relax

e.g. It feels so good to unwind on the sofa after a hard day’s work!

to decorate – to make prettier by adding some items to it

e.g. I want to decorate by room with paintings.

decor – the decoration and furniture in a room

e.g. The decor in that restaurant on the Bund is amazing!

the Bund – 外滩

e.g. I love to take my tourist friends to the Bund when they come to visit Shanghai.

Scientists are working on a pill to help people who do no exercise. It could also increase the performance of those who do exercise. The scientists are from a biological studies institute in California. They say the pill could produce the same benefits to the body that it gets from running. It could make us healthier. It could give us more stamina, fat loss, a better mood, a healthier heart and a longer lifespan – all without exercising. The scientists said the pill helped to increase athletic performance in mice by 70 per cent. This could be good news for people who want to exercise more.

The scientists looked at how the body changes with exercise. A researcher said: “It’s well known that people can improve their endurance through training. The question for us was: How does endurance work? And can we replace training with a drug?” He found a chemical that could copy the positive effects of exercise without needing to exercise. The chemical made the body burn fat instead of sugar. Burning fat instead of sugar means you can improve your stamina to the same level as someone who exercises, without the need to exercise.




cabs (taxis) vs caps (hats)

cab vs cap


1.Look up what these words mean:

2. What is the text about?

3. What does the UAE hope to achieve with the cafe?
