F2F Class Notes 8th May (Raph)
Vow (v/n): 1- to make a determined decision or promise to do something.
E.g.: From that day on, she vowed never to trust him again.
Blond / Blonde (n): 1- men / women who have pale yellow or golden hair. 2- pale yellow or golden hair.
E.g.: He is blond and has blue eyes.
E.g.: Do you think she’s a natural blonde, or is her hair bleached?
E.g.: His hair is blond.
Barbecue (n): 1- metal frame on which meat, fish, or vegetables are cooked outdoors over a fire. 2- a meal that is prepared and eaten outdoors using such a frame, often during a party. 3- a party held outdoors, during which food is cooked on a barbecue.
E.g.: Make sure you light the barbecue in plenty of time.
E.g.: He made some salads to have with the barbecue.
E.g.: We’re having a barbecue on Saturday – I hope you can come.
Presence (n): 1- the fact that someone or something is in a place.
E.g.: She was very pleased by the presence of so many people.
Pledge (n/v): 1- a serious or formal promise, especially one to give money or to be a friend, or something that you give as a sign that you will keep a promise.
E.g.: His campaign pledges included cutting 120,000 public-sector jobs.
E.g.: He has pledged to cut 120,000 public-sector jobs.
Coalition (n): 1- an alliance between different political parties or groups for a particular purpose, usually for a limited time, or a government that is formed in this way.
E.g.: Government by coalition has its own peculiar set of problems.
Ideology (n): 1- a set of beliefs or principles, especially one on which a political system, party, or organization is based
E.g.: They have completely different ideologies.
Unconscious: /ʌnˈkɑːn.ʃəs/
Mustache: /ˈmʌs.tæʃ/
Owl: /aʊl/
Peculiar: /pɪˈkjuːˈkjuːl.jɚ/
Coalition: /koʊ.əˈlɪʃ.ən/
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