F2F Class Notes 8th May (Celeste) [R]***
Write 1-2 example sentences for the new grammar and vocabulary below.
Time + S + V + O + for how long
eg. I stay my whole day at home yesterday. –Â Yesterday I stayed at home for the whole day.
eg. This morning, I woke up very late because I feel bad / I am feeling bad.
eyesight / visionÂ
eg. I have good eyesight.
eg. My vision is good.
eg. I have good eyes.Â
I say plus – I say ___ more.
When I meet other people who speak English very well I close myself off / I shut down.
eg. Celeste closes herself off when she gets in arguments.
eg. When my friends talk about politics I shut down.Â
I ask my husband about politics and he gives me a resume summary / headlines / top news stories.
When I want to watch a new movie or read a new book, I read the plot first.
Yesterday I had dinner with my husband’s colleagues and the whole night we talked in english. I wasn’t comfortable because they all spoke english so well so i didn’t discuss much with them. I’m shy and I don’t like to fail so I just stayed in the background. I tried to talk but when i opened my mouth i hesitated and stammered, i couldn’t find my vocabulary and i realized all my mistakes, but too late. i’m most comfortable and confident with my teachers, but with other people i feel ridiculous, as if i’ve never spoken english. I’m disappointed because i feel i haven’t progressed in English.
stammered ( stam – merd )
progressed ( progress – t )
stubborn ( stuh – bern )
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