F2F Class Notes 8th March (Raph)


Interact (v): 1- to communicate with or react to:
E.g.: Her  teacher says that she interacts well with the other children.

Spectrum (n): 1- a range of different positions, opinions, etc. between two extreme points:
E.g.: He has support from across the whole political spectrum.

Territory (n): 1- (an area of) land, or sometimes sea, that is considered as belonging to or connected with a particular country or person.
E.g.: The planes fly low across enemy territory.

Extrovert (n): 1- an energetic happy person who enjoys being with other people.
E.g.: Most sales people are extroverts.

Introvert (n): 1- someone who is shy, quiet, and unable to make friends easily.
E.g.: As an introvert, it wasn’t easy for him to make friends.

Vulnerable (adj): 1- unprotected; able to be easily physically, emotionally, or mentally hurt, influenced, or attacked:
E.g.: We provide a place of safety for vulnerable children.

1/2 = Half

1/3 = one third

2/3 = two thirds

1/5 = one fifth

2/5 = two fifths

Greece (n): 1-


I’ve finished one five percent of it. – I’ve finished one fifth of it. 

Do you have often go to the KTV. – Do you often go to the KTV.

I don’t decide where I go. – I haven’t decided where I’m going.


Divide: /dɪˈvaɪd/

Quiet: /ˈkwaɪ.ət/

Vulnerable: /ˈvʌl.nɚ.ə.bəl/

Speaking exercise