F2F Class Notes 8th March (Celeste)

lucky – good fortune

Ex: She is a lucky girl.

He have a feeling. – He has a feeling.

He got a shoot and bleeding. – He got shot. Someone shot him. He was bleeding. He bled.



He was shot by the chief actress‘ father. – He was shot by the lead actress‘ father.

lead actress – is the female main character

Ex: Do you like the lead actress in this film?

lead actor – is the male main character

Ex: The lead actors in American films are usually brave, handsome, strong and physically fit. The lead actors in Asian films usually have nice faces and are friendly and kind. They are usually not physically fit.

brave ( br AAAAAAAA Ve) – not scared to do the right thing or help someone in need

Ex: In the movie, the lead actor saved the actress. He was brave.

physically fit ( fiz ic ally fit) – professional way to say someone has a nice body

Ex: He is physically fit because he runs a lot.

sexy – a way to say somebody is attractive, you should only use this word with friends or someone you are attracted to. NEVER AT WORK.

I watched a movie called Warm budy. – I watched a movie called Warm Bodies

(B O dies).

Do you see it? (now/present) – Did you see it? (past)