F2F Class Notes 8th August (Ben) [1]

What does your company do, exactly?

environmental protection


audit 审计
green technologies
a label 标签 AFNOR, COFRAs

the United Nations

a resource
We have limited resources.

It was fun. =/= It was fine.
I took a piece =/= I took a piss.

What are the different meanings of the word “familiar”?

Yes, No (polite) < Yeah (informal) < Yep , Nope (very informal 大白话)

1. I am familiar with him / with this place.
This place looks familiar.
familiar = seen before, known before.

They look familiar = I think I have seen them before.
They look familiar with each other = They seem to be good friends.

2. Don’t be too familiar with the boss, he is a serious person.
familiar = too friendly, too informal

fa – MI – liar
1 2 3

This dictionary isn’t very accurate. = precise, specific

similar = with common characteristics
They look similar = They have the same mouth, nose and eyes.