F2F Class notes 8th July (Eddie)

a Swedish – a Swede

an English – an English person, an Englishman

I’m American / I’m an American

Really thanks for your excellent sharing about your career development.
It’s a sharing full of sincerity, wisdom, knowledge and valuable suggestions for us generation!

I believe after listening to your sharing,
Our colleagues will have a broader mindset about the trend of our industry, because you share the industry information from a senior specialist side;
Our colleagues will be more focus on their daily work, because you suggested that if you don’t have any clear plan about future, focus on your daily work, and gradually you will find an new future or new future will come to you;
Our colleagues will have more confident in our product and company, because you told us operators will not be our only customer, all kinds of industries will become our customer;
Our colleagues will become more productive, because you shared several valuable and useable learning skills which will improve our learning skills and work efficiency!

At last, we learned a lot, got inspired and full of energy after your sharing!

Dear Judy

We wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for your excellent presentation / address about your career development. We all thought it was full of sincerity, wisdom, knowledge and valuable suggestions for our generation.

believe that after listening to you last Friday, all of us will:

– have a broader mindset about trends in our industry, because you shared with us your unique senior specialist perspective on the industry;

– be more focused on our daily work, because you suggested that if we don’t have a clear plan about the future, we ought to take it one step at a time, and gradually we will either find a new future or a new future will find us;

– have more confidence in our products and our company, because you told us operators would not be our only customers, but all kinds of industries would call on our services;

– become more productive, because you shared several valuable and useful learning skills which will speed up our learning rate and increase our work efficiency.

For all of the above, please accept a warm and heartfelt Thank You on behalf of everybody who was in the audience that day and who was inspired and energized by your speech.