F2F Class Notes 8th July (Celeste)

What did you eat for breakfast?

Did you eat a banana? No, I didn’t eat a banana today.

Did you eat bread? No, I didn’t eat bread today. And I didn’t have my breakfast.

Do you like cookies? No, I don’t like cookies.

Practice Review Question:
Do you think you can get 15 questions? Yes, I can get 15 questions.


1. how are you?
I’m fine, how about you?
⦁ 1. I’m great / I’m very good
⦁ 2. I’m good / I’m pretty good
⦁ 3. I’m fine / I’m ok
⦁ 4. I’m not great / I’m not that good
⦁ 5. I’m bad / I’m not good

2. Who was your teacher yesterday?
⦁ Was it a man or a woman? It was a man.
⦁ Was it a tall man or a short man? It was a tall man.
⦁ Did the man have black hair or white hair? The man had black hair.

3.Who is your favorite Smart English teacher?
No people.
I do not have a favorite Smart English teacher.

4. who – describes a person
eg. I have a student who is called Jerry
eg. I have a friend who is called Harmony.
eg. I have a friend who is called Grandpa.

5. which – describes a thing
eg. I have a computer which is Apple.
eg. I have a TV which is Samsung.
eg. I have a car which is big and blue

Review Reading

Once there was an alien called The King.  He comes from planet 1857, and he thinks his planet is too small.  Planet 1857 is waaaaaaay bigger than planet earth.  1857 planet is 99998766998 times larger than planet earth. Planet 1857 has mountains that reach higher than the sun.  The sea on planet 1857 is larger than the Earth’s solar system.  Millions and millions’ of aliens live on planet 1857.

The aliens came to earth because they want to kill all of the people.  They are angry because one of the earth people killed one of the aliens.  They used a big gun to kill that alien.  After they have killed all of the humans the aliens plan to live on the earth.


planet ( plan it )
system ( sis tum )
aliens ( AAAA lee ins )