F2F Class Notes 8th January (Tony)


once every two weeks – twice a month – bi-monthly (use every when you have more than one unit)

eg: “I practice my violin once a month.” “I practice my violin once every 3 weeks.” “In China it’s common to pay rent three months at a time, once every three months.”

every other – do one, then skip one.

eg: “I cook about every other day.” (So I cook about 3 or 4 times a week.)

every once in a while – not that often

eg: “I go to the gym every once in a while, but not regularly.” “I hope I can go to the gym everyday, but it turns out I only went there every once in a while.”

all in all – considering everything…

“All in all, today I had a really a good class, because Tony is so awesome!”

a ways away -kinda far, a long way. not near

eg: “I don’t think we should go to that store, it’s quite a ways away.”

cling – to hold on to something very tightly

eg: “They were clinging onto the boat so they didn’t drown.”

clingy – a person who becomes too attached to their partner

eg: “His girlfriend is so clingy, she will never leave him alone.”

chill adj. – can mean relaxed

eg: “He is a really chill guy, he doesn’t get upset or angry easily.”