F2F Class Notes 8th December (Tony)

Hard sell – an aggressive sales technique, in which the seller tries very hard to persuade the buyer eg: “Airbus have my last company a hard sell, but they refused their sales pitch.”

sell sb. on something – to persuade someone, to buy something or do something eg: “Stop trying to sell me on  the idea, I’m not interested. ” I keep selling him on going to Las Vegas, but he’s not into it.” “I sold my client on our company’s superior services.”

ABC – Always be closing

close – finish the deal, or paying  eg: “He has a great sales pitch, but has trouble closing the deal.” close the bill pay the bill.

rapport (ra pour) – the relationship you have built up through trust eg: “I have to maintain my rapport with the client in order to close the deal.”

wine and dine (V) –  to treat someone to dinner and drinks or some other nice things in order to build a relationship

leverage – something that gives you power to influence a situation eg: “I have leverage.” “I’m leveraging him to… ” “Donald Trump used his leverage with voters to win the election.”

throw in – to include something else for free in a deal eg: “If you buy this car, I’ll throw in a pair of sunglasses.” “If you buy this cup I’ll throw in a bottle of water.”

sales pitch – the introduction for selling a product or service eg: “He needs to work on his sales pitch, and not just say the price in the beginning.” “You have to introduce the features of the product in your sales pitch.” “If you want to be a good salesperson you need a good sales pitch.”

superior – better than the others eg: “His technique was far superior.”

inferior – worse than the others eg: “Cheaper products are often inferior, meaning they will break and need to be replaced sooner, eventually costing you more money.”